Year 11 (Stage 1) Curriculum

Walford Year 11 students have many options that engage, extend and enrich their studies.

Year 11 is defined by you pursuing a personalised curriculum pathway that reflects your strengths and supports you in pursuing learning relevant to your interests and future career aspirations.

At this stage of senior schooling, you are encouraged to continue taking risks as learners, engage in independent thinking and the cycle of continuous feedback embedded into our model of assessment. Throughout this journey, you are supported to select subjects and VET courses that promote scholastic growth with the expert guidance of teachers.

Click here to view our 2025 Learning Pathways map, which highlights course patterns, and supports you in following your passions, interests and strengths.

Core Subjects

Core Subjects in Year 11

All students meet the SACE Literacy Requirement in Year 11 through a full year of English or English as an Additional Language or Dialect.

You will continue to build a strong numeracy base by undertaking at least two semesters of mathematics. You will complete the compulsory Stage 2 subject Activating Identities and Futures, in which you explore an area of personal interest with the aim of refining your understanding of how you learn.

Bespoke Pathways

Year 11 Stage 1 Electives

As part of your Bespoke Pathway, you select from a wide range of elective subjects that prepare you well for your future.

Stage 2 Opportunities

Year 11 Stage 2 Subjects

Due to the progress made in earlier years, you will have the opportunity to complete Stage 2 Chinese Continuers or Stage 2 French.  Some students, as part of their Bespoke Pathway, will commence vocational training by undertaking VET studies with other providers. Guidance is given to enable you to match available options to your pathway.

Other students will continue their Bespoke Pathway by applying for early entry to Stage 2 subjects that are normally done in Year 12.

Full year (two semesters)

You will develop your understanding about the diversity of life as it has evolved, the structure and function of living things, and how they interact with their own and other species and their environments. You will apply your understanding of the interconnectedness of biological systems to evaluate the impact of human activity on the natural world. You will also inquire into and explain biological phenomena and draw evidence-based conclusions from your investigations into biology-related issues, developments, and innovations. You will study DNA and proteins, cells as the basis of life, homeostasis and evolution.

Full year (two semesters)

You will develop the knowledge, skills, and understandings to engage in business contexts in the modern world. In a time where design-led companies outperform other companies, you are immersed in the process of finding and solving customer problems or needs through design thinking and using assumption-based planning tools. You will identify the customers who are at the centre of your innovation process and generate viable business products, services, and processes. 

Full year (two semesters)

You will investigate, design and create products that solve real-world problems within a variety of contexts. You will critically evaluate existing technologies and products, including the impact on societies. Through the investigation, development, planning and evaluating phases, you will apply skills, processes and techniques to develop innovative solutions to design problems of your choice. Digital or physical solutions could involve electronics, robotics, 3D printing prototypes, laser cutting materials, 3D digital models, coding, VR and architectural design.

Full year (two semesters)

You will study how society uses its limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants. Each participant in the economy, from people, to firms to government needs to make choices based on their information and economic reasoning, this is explored in local, national and global contexts. 

Full year (two semesters)

You will develop an understanding of the spatial interrelationships between people, places, and environments.  The complexity of our world, the diversity of its environments, and the challenges and associated opportunities facing Australia and the world will be explored and challenged. How can you play a part in a sustainable future for all?

Full year (two semesters)

You will explore the rights and responsibilities, sources of law and adversarial and inquisitorial dispute resolution processes as part of your studies. How can you influence democratic processes, through lawful mechanisms to control the exercise of power? The importance of critical and conceptual thinking and the significance of checks and balances will provide these answers. You will also examine how people, governments and institutions shape the law and how this controls, structures and regulates interactions between people, institutions and government. 

Full year (two semesters)

You will explore the conflicts that led to the fall of empires and the rise of dictators. The twentieth century was a time of rapid global change, and you will investigate the impacts of this on nations, groups and individuals. How the world changed after 1945 will be explored by investigating the Cold War, the impacts of which are still seen today. Your skills of critical thinking, analysis will be challenged as you explore different historical ideas.  

10 Credits for each subject

You will develop and extend your practical music-making skills through performing works in an ensemble/choir or as a soloist. You will apply your musical understanding, skills, and techniques in refining and performing music. You will analyse your repertoire and critique strategies to rehearse and develop their performances and contribute and collaborate as an effective member of an ensemble or as a soloist. 

Prerequisites: Year 10 music whole year and in consultation with music staff. Each performance subject must be taken over a whole year. 

Full year (two semesters)

You will develop an understanding of biomechanics, energy systems, training principles, and skill acquisition, through performance in lawn bowls, badminton, and an individualised training program. You will acquire and perform the role of a badminton coach, and plan to improve the performance outcomes of your players by focusing on the relevant movement concepts and strategies utilised in a badminton match.

Full year (two semesters)

You will visually experiment and respond to work of artists and designers, documenting your ideas, exploring a range of media and techniques. You will experiment and respond to relevant themes and contexts on a chosen topic of interest. You will develop and apply skills in a broad range of media to produce resolved works of art. Examples of art topics could include painting, drawing, sculpture, casting, printmaking, ceramics, digital art and photography. 

Further Information

We are here to help!

We are here to help you finalise your subject selection and support you in creating your own bespoke pathway. Please contact either of us for further information.

Brian Parsons
Director of Learning and Teaching

Georgie West
Head of Senior School