Year 10 Curriculum

At Walford, we believe in nurturing the development of every student through the provision of a highly agile, rigorous, and personalised pattern of study.

Year 10 sets the scene for senior schooling, laying an important foundation for future success.

Walford's Year 10 academic program is defined as mastering the skills required to succeed in traditional disciplines while branching out and exploring interests through elective options.

When entering Senior School, you have many options that cater to your interests and possible future career directions. A key feature of Year 10 involves learning more about your individual strengths, talents and pathways. The curriculum continues to provide a broad background in the skills and knowledge that all students need for success at school and as they enter the wider world.

You may also like to consider the additional opportunities for early entry into SACE Stage 1 subjects, which provide an opportunity to grasp the skills involved with learning and assessment under this curriculum model.

Click here to view our 2025 Learning Pathways map, which highlights course patterns, and supports you in following your passions, interests and strengths.

Core Subjects

Core Subjects in Year 10

Year 10 is the final year of the compulsory Australian Curriculum, in which all students continue their learning in English, Health and Physical Education, History, Mathematics and Science.

Mathematics courses in Year 10 cater very well for all students. Some Year 10 students will be ready for Stage 1 Mathematics, having already completed Year 10 Extension Mathematics in Year 9. Year 10 Standard Mathematics prepares students for all mathematics subjects in the SACE, keeping all mathematics options open. Year 10 General Mathematics includes a semester of Stage 1 Essential Mathematics, enabling students to complete the numeracy requirements of the SACE during Year 10.

In addition, Walford Year 10 students undertake the Stage 1 SACE subject Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF). Here, they learn more about themselves and their place in the world and are encouraged to explore and deepen their sense of belonging, identity and connections to the world around them. EIF prepares them for their SACE journey and the knowledge, skills and capabilities to be thriving learners. They take ownership of where their pathway leads, exploring interests, work and further learning.

Bespoke Pathways

Year 10 Electives

You can choose five semester electives linked to your skills and interests from The Arts, Humanities, Health and Physical Education, Languages, Science and Technologies. Many of these elective subjects include the possibility of linking with Stage 1 Integrated Learning, enabling you to gain SACE Credits in their Year 10 elective subjects. Some students will choose Learning Support as an elective each semester.

Due to the progress that students make in languages at Walford, students of Chinese (continuers) and French complete the Stage 1 course during Year 10, enabling them to commence Stage 2 Chinese or French when in Year 11.

Stage 1 Opportunities

Stage 1 subjects available to Year 10 students

As part of their Bespoke Pathway, Year 10 students who are ready for the challenge of early Stage 1 study may apply to do a variety of Stage 1 subjects, normally studied in Year 11.

Further Information

We are here to help!

We are here to help you finalise your subject selection and support you in creating your own bespoke pathway. Please contact either of us for further information.

Brian Parsons
Director of Learning and Teaching

Georgie West
Head of Senior School