Why a Girls' School?

Research consistently shows that girls in all-girls’ schools achieve academically superior results compared with those attained in co-educational schools. But there are a multitude of other benefits that highlight why girls will perform better in an all-girls’ setting.

Aspirational Places

Girls’ schools are aspirational places where girls come to know that they really can achieve whatever they set their minds to. Their confidence is nurtured and they receive all of the time and attention they deserve from teachers who understand how girls learn effectively.

Subject choices are ungendered. This is especially evident in subject areas such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Whilst traditionally, women are under-represented in these career fields, girls’ schools are able to provide more personalised attention in class, building self confidence and efficacy in these subjects. At Walford, we are proud that enrolment numbers in STEM subjects are thriving, showing that gender is not a barrier to choosing these pathways during and beyond school.

Girls’ schools provide role models who help girls see what they can be. At Walford, girls are surrounded by capable and talented role models who show what is possible.

Leadership Roles

At a time when our world needs to encourage more women to take on leadership roles in all settings including corporate organisations and the parliament, girls schools are preparing tomorrow’s leaders to take their place at any table. Girls are encouraged to take the lead – in performances, in the classroom, on the sports field, on leadership committees and wherever opportunities exist. They do not need to share half of these roles with the opposite gender. In a girls’ school, girls will learn early on that their gender should not be a barrier to any role or pathway they choose to pursue.

Research consistently highlights that the wellbeing of girls is improved in an all girls’ environment. At Walford we are able to focus unapologetically on the needs of girls in all of our programs, helping to build resilience, self esteem and self belief, all of which empower girls and women to live purposeful and fulfilling lives.

Today, more than ever, we need girls need to know that their school is a place that will embrace and empower them for who they are. Good girls’ schools provide an environment in which girls flourish.

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Walford Women Leading The Way

Frances Adamson

Walford Old Scholar, Frances Adamson (1978), has been announced as the next Governor of South Australia. The Walford Principal, staff, students and Old Scholars are very proud of Frances’ stellar career, and we know she will continue to be a great role model for our students as the 36th Governor of South Australia!

Eloise Hall and
Isobel Marshall

We are very proud of our Old Scholars, Eloise Hall (InDaily 40 Under 40 winner) and Isobel Marshall (Young Australian of the Year), Co-Founders of TABOO, a social enterprise they created while Vice Captain and Captain of Walford.

Martina Theodorakakos

The Walford community congratulates Class of 2020 student, Martina Theodorakakos, who achieved an outstanding SACE result (five merits) and was the only girl in 2020 to have achieved the distinction of being in the top five students in the State. She is a remarkable Walford girl!