Startling gender pay gaps at Adelaide’s top private schools revealed – but some others are bucking the trend

14 May 2024

The Advertiser, February 27 2024

Male staff at some private schools are being paid upwards of 20 per cent more than their female colleagues – but other schools have managed to close or reverse the gap.

Figures released by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) on Tuesday included data from a number of private schools in South Australia.

The median pay gap for total remuneration at Blackfriars Priory School was 24.9 per cent in favour of men, and at Rostrevor College the gap was 22.4 per cent.

St John’s Grammar School had a pay gap of 20 per cent, Loreto College of 14.2 per cent, Prince Alfred College of 14 per cent and Seymour College of 13.6 per cent.

Some schools reported near-parity, such as Wilderness School with 0.5 per cent, while a small number of schools recorded pay gaps in favour of women.

Pulteney Grammar School reported a gap of 9.9 per cent, at Pembroke School the gap was 10.2 per cent and at Walford Anglican School for Girls it was 12.4 per cent – all in favour of women.

Walford principal Dr Deborah Netolicky said the school’s gender pay gap data reflected its culture, values and purpose.

“As an organisation, we pride ourselves on attracting outstanding talent, providing excellent working conditions, and creating a culture of inclusivity,” she said. Read more here
