Congratulations, Walford Class of 2023!

15 April 2024

Walford is very proud of the students in our Class of 2023.

Our graduating class continue to set a remarkable example to the rest of the school. Supported throughout their schooling journey by loving parents and caregivers, and dedicated staff, the members of the Class of 2023 embody our values of Courage, Commitment, Community and Growth, and our mission to develop compassionate and courageous women who live with meaning, purpose and principle. 

While these results reflect the talent and dedication of students, an ATAR is not the definitive measure of success. Each young woman is so much more than a number; she is not defined by this score at this moment in time, nor will it limit what she goes on to achieve. Each graduate has an individual story to tell, of learning, growth, and challenges overcome. Each young woman’s achievements are a result of hard work, pursuing her personal best, and following her own path, in her own way. For the Class of 2023, learning, growth, achievement, service, and living a life of integrity and contribution, will continue to be lifelong endeavours. 

6% of the Class of 2023 achieved an ATAR of 99 or above, placing them in the top 1% of the nation’s graduates; 28% of the cohort achieved an ATAR of 95 or above, placing them in the top 5% of the nation; and 48% attained an ATAR above 90, placing them in the country’s top 10%. The cohort achieved 26 Merits and completed 19 Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications. Of the 30 subjects studied in Year 12, 58% percent of all grades were in the A band. 

An early analysis shows that Walford students achieved exceptionally well across all subjects when compared to state benchmarks. In Physics, for example, 50% of Walford students attained an A+, as compared with 6.8% of students across South Australia. In Business Innovation, 27.3% of Walford students attained an A+, as compared with 5.3% of students across the state. 20% of Walford Economics students attained an A+, compared with 3.5% of students across the state. In Industry and Entrepreneurial Solutions, 20% of Walford students achieved an A+, as opposed to 8.9% state-wide. In Research Project, 19.7% of Walford students achieved A+s, as compared with 5.6% of students across the state. 

Each student can feel justifiably proud of the personal excellence she has achieved.  

On behalf of the Walford community, we extend special congratulations to our SACE Dux of 2023, Stella Jolly, on her outstanding results, achieving an ATAR of 99.60 and a Merit in Research Project. We also congratulate Scarlett Minney, our IB Dux of 2023, who received a score of 38/45 (equivalent to a 95.30 ATAR), and Merits in Chemistry Higher Level and Physics Standard Level. Well done, Stella and Scarlett!

Charlotte Newman achieved an ATAR of 99.55 and a Merit in Biology. Sara Zanker achieved an ATAR of 99.1 and Merits in Economics, General Mathematics, Visual Arts – Design, and Research Project. Lara Tamke achieved an ATAR of 98.8, a Merit in Economics, and a High Distinction in Introduction to Forensic Science through the Headstart program at the University of Adelaide. Elena Pontifex achieved an ATAR of 98.55, a Merit in Economics, and a Distinction in Introduction to Australian Politics through the Headstart program at the University of Adelaide. Emma Riddell achieved an ATAR of 98.55 and a Merit in Research Project.  

Mia Worth achieved an ATAR of 98.4 and a Merit in Research Project, and attained the Gold Award in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. In addition, Mia will receive a Governor of South Australia Commendation Excellence Award which acknowledges and celebrates overall excellence in the South Australian Certificate of Education, including excellent academic achievement and success in developing the SACE capabilities of Literacy, Numeracy, Information and Technology Capability, Creative and Critical Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding and Intercultural Understanding. Congratulations, Mia on recognition through this prestigious award! 

We also congratulate Chaeli Rowley, Beth Worthley, Gemima Reid, Molly Stewart, Amelia Trengove, Scarlett Papps-Burford, Ava Morrow and Ella Deland who achieved ATARs in excess of 95. Congratulations to Ella Deland who additionally attained a Merit in Research Project. 

What the above numbers do not reveal are the stories behind each student’s results, the many steps along the whole schooling journey that have led to this point, the resilience built and values lived, the skills learned and habits formed, and the personal wins of each individual student.  

We at Walford are very proud of every member of the Class of 2023, and we know that there will be more good news yet as our graduates make their way to exciting post-school destinations, as valued old scholars and enduring members of the Walford community.

Deborah Netolicky
